Monday, March 4, 2019

Can't make it home in the dark

Can’t make it home in the dark

December 5, 2004
For we have heard  him say that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this place, and shall change  the customs which Moses delivered us. Is this you?
You have prayed and  passed your preacher up. You are finding out things that you have never known  before. How? One day you woke up and decided you were going to seek God with all  your heart. You were going to ask, seek, and knock.
Matthew 7:7.
Ask, and it  shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto  you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him  that knocketh it shall be opened. What does this mean?
A lot of people think  and have been taught that, the preacher is the only one that can receive the  anointed word. Romans 10:17.. faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of  God.
Which we've been taught that, you can only get this, by going and  hearing the preacher, when you go to church not so.
In Matthew, he was speaking  to everyone when he said ask, seek, knock. When we seek him with our whole  hearts we shall find him. Get concerned about your soul, stop taking everybody's  word for it. Start asking God (praying). Seeking (start reading, studying,  searching his word). Start knocking. Be determined don't give up. If it takes a  year, remember when you start working out, your body muscles are flabby. You see  no result for a while, but if you keep working over a period of time, you will  see results.
People give up to quick they are use to push buttons. We want every  thing fast. But not so with God, he will see how bad you want him. You will have  to wait and work for it. When you do get determined and don't let nothing stop  you. He will begin to open up your ears and give you a ear to hear what the word  is saying. That's what it means when it says, "he that has a ear to hear, let him  hear. And when you start hearing, it brings faith. Faith comes by hearing.
If  your spiritual ears are closed, you don't hear even if, you go to church. He  will began to give you a revelation, which means a understanding of the  scriptures.
If we study in the natural, just reading the bible, which is  good and we should. Then when he opens your understanding all the natural  reading you have done, pays off. The spirit will began to link all the  scriptures together. Remember he said the Holy Ghost, would bring all things to  our remembrance.
John 14:26. But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom  the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all  things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
See Holy Ghost  is the teacher not man.
Until we seek him for the understanding of the word  for our self, we are void of his word no matter how much we go to church, and  hear the preacher. We have to have ears to hear. And the only way we can have  that is, ask, knock, seek.

When you do you may pass your preacher and have  to look for one that has the anointed word. Cause once you hear, you will never  be satisfied with dead word again.
The harlot or dead churches wants to keep  him (Jesus) dead and you too. When you start seeing they will put you out of  their synagogues (churches). They will make you look like the devil. When God  begins to use you, the devil will come, right in behind you and cause a uproar.
You can find this all through the New Testament. When Jesus helped someone, they  tried to kill him or make the people believe he was a devil. Causing them to  doubt him, so they wouldn't receive nothing from him. See to be healed you have  to have faith. To have salvation you have to believe that Jesus was the son of  God. The devils job is to cause you to not believe. How? By causing an  uproar, making you think they are crazy and don't know what they are talking  about.
Make you look like a liar. How can you discern who has the spirit of  Christ and is telling you the truth? YOU SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS...What  is fruit? Galatians, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,  faith, meekness, temperance; Their presence leaves you with one or more of these  fruits. Say if I approached you and talked to you at Wal-Mart, you noticed you  felt loved or peaceful after I left. You noticed I was gentle and didn't want to  condemn and kill you for what you looked like.
You noticed I had time to hear  you, longsuffering. You noticed I had temperance, I wasn't arguing and making a  scene, pushing everyone out of my way, in a hurry. I had goodness, if you need  something I gave it to you. Instead of not caring and being selfish. You felt  love from me, which made you feel special and somebody, instead of hate and  judgmental which makes you feel not worthy and beat down, not good enough... 
The word of God guides your footsteps so you want fall or be deceived. It  shines a light, by giving you ears to hear. The truth sets you free from all the  lies of the false church. And you can live and walk in his divine nature. Which  is the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. A life filled with peace, love, joy, etc.

Christ  convicts not condemns. which means he convicts your heart and shows us our  wrongs, lovingly so we will repent with a broken and contrite spirit. Which  brings us the fruits of his spirit. The devil condemns and beats you down,  points his finger, with his little list of rules at you and tells you how low  down and how you will never be able to live right. That you are a nothing and a  nobody. WHEN ALL THE TIME HE KNOWS YOU ARE A ROYAL PRIEST, YOU ARE A KINGS KID,  WITH ROYAL BLOOD.

We can hear the word, by reading it ourselves at home,  which brings faith. Asking, seeking, knocking. The word as it is opened up to us  brings faith, and it also uncovers the devils. You will start seeing things you  never seen before. Because your eyes and ears were closed. By daily dedication  in prayer and seeking his word, it will cause you to know when you are in the  presence of a real Christian or a carbon copy, of one. You can not fool God. And  as you pray, read you are receiving him into your spirit daily. Until he grows  and grows and we become of mature age.

Ephesians 4:13..Unto the fulness of  Christ. No more children, tossed to and from, and carried about with every wind  of doctrine, by the sleigh of men, and cunning craftiness, where by THEY LIE IN  WAIT TO DECEIVE; Satan (wolves) seeks the unstable souls (babies), the wounded,  the hurt, the cast down, the ones that can't see in the spirit, the blind.
He  lurks or lays in the shadows (which is darkness) to attack them and destroy them  as the flock of sheep goes by. He knows who he can deceive and who he can't. He  usually don't waste his time on the healthy sheep. The healthy ones are the ones  that are of mature age, that can see. They are prayed up and ready.
Their on the  front lines of the battle field.
LITTLE SHEEP, LITTLE LOST SHEEP WHERE  ARE YOU.......come home to Jesus, turn around and start drawing close to him. He  said if you draw nigh to him, he would draw nigh to you.

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