Thursday, October 11, 2018

Modern day sexey women preachers

Modern day sexey women preachers

The the modern day woman preacher. Who most likely can't and don't have the desire to live like holiness women. And they despise the holiness look. They feel like they are in prison due to not being born again. Because the flesh nature, does not, cannot, and has no desire to live like a santified, dead to 

the flesh nature, Christian. So they break out and try to serve God the only way they can, in the flesh Adam sinful nature. They think and feel like, they have been let out of prison, by leaving the holiness churches, because they were made to do things against their nature, causing misery...but now that they have left, they are still in prison, yet thinking they are free. For the real freedom is 

being born again of the Spirit, which takes away all the cravings of the flesh nature away, producing freedom. Therefore you are set free, you're at perfect peace and you love dressing modest, not sexey, cause the desire is gone, you have no desire to ware tight jeans, low cut blouses, makeup like a clown. So therefore I understand 

where you are coming from when you break out, cause a unborn again Christian cannot live a santified life, it is against their nature. These very unfriendly self righteous snobs, that are in the churches, that dresse modest, are those who are being made to do so, due to their parents and have never really been born again or they are tares. The 

real holiness, modest Christians that dress right, are full of charity & good works, they are friendly and kind. So there are all types of people that fill the churches. Don't allow no one to rob you of your salvation, protect your relationship with Jesus with your life.. 

Battles and storms

Christians are like fruit trees they are exposed to the rain, the snow, hail, wind, dust, blizzard conditions, but they endure all this if, their roots are planted deep in the ground (Jesus).   The trees don't have to struggle, thirst, hunger for nutrition, for they are keep by the roots (Jesus).  The winds can't blow them over, the snow can weight them down so much as to where their limbs will break.  Soon as the sun 

shines the tree will straighten back up.  The hail storms can't beat off their fruit they continue to bear fruit, etc.  Storms in our lives can be different things like flustration, lonelyness, sepration of spouse, death, sickness, mental abuse, betrayal, depression, anything that causes you heartacke & pain.  Many baby christians will fear when, these things come their way. They will began to ponder in their minds, 

wondering if they have done something wrong or they will become fearful afraid that the enemy will defeat or over come them.  How do I know, I have been through all this on my journey to Canaan land, where the milk and honey flows.  Where the fruit is big and no storm frightens or upsets you, you have learned that your God will not fail you but, will keep and take you through each storm of your life if, you 

only believe, trust and remain faithful to him.  If you become fearful in the mist of storms, stand still keep praying, God sometimes will not move the storm but he will allow it, too continue to beat against your vessel, he will lead and guide you through it.  You begin to see his skillful hands at work, his power being manifested in your life, against these dreadful storms.  He could not show you his power & glory if you 

were on the mountain top all time.  You may think you can't endure the pain, stress, lonelyness, depression, etc.  that it is to great and you will die in the mist of it all.  But how could God show you his power if you never went through or felt nothing.  You would never know or experience his greatness.  Man when I am so lonely one minute I think I am going to die and can't endure it no longer and all of a 

sudden, God moves & wipes it away.  It blows your mind you can't comprehend his awesome power, to be able to get rid of everything that is bothering you.  The key is no matter how fearful, afraid, worried, you become, IF YOU REMAIN FAITHFUL, he will come to your rescue, no matter how shook up you become.  When you become mature in Christ, your storms and battles will not shake you or cause you to 

worry or fret, because you have been through, so many battles and have seen God's hand at work so many times.   You have learned  and watched him take you through each trail and seen his awesome power at work.  It's all Gods great big skillful hands molding and making you in the mist of the storms.  He allows all these things to happen to us to show us how weak and frail we are without him and how 

powerful, strong and mighty he is.  We go through so many storms as we grow up in him.  But when we become of full age, we have learned to wait patiently and trust in him.  By him allowing us to go through so much, we have learned he will never fail us.  We relax and keep working & moving in him.  But when you were a baby you would fret, worry and wonder if the enemy was going to defeat you or that God 

didn't care.  You may have thought, God where are you don't you care that I am suffering and going through hell.  But it's all to mold and make you strong, and know that you can depend on him, for he will never fail you.  But there is something we must do, for him to move for us,  that is remain faithful.  By that I mean not jumping ship, remain dedicated through it all, if you become slowful, (stop praying, obeying, 

reading and fasting) you tie God's hands he cannot & will not move for you.  You must continue to pray, read, fast and obey God through all your storms never backing up or stopping, no matter how bad the storms get.  That is the key.   Remember God didn't move for Daniel till, he was in the lions den, (he was faithful he didn't get scared & run, or call 911) not before or after but when he was in the mist of the 

storm.  He wants to show his great power, not only to you but for those who are close to you and watching, why so they will serve him and know that there is no god besides him.  He couldn't show his power until Daniel was all the way in the den.  Will you let him show you & others what he can do.  Stop thinking "what did I do wrong" when storms or bad things happen to you.  They are to show his power 

and mold you.   Oh what he would do for his people if they would only learn to wait.  What ever the sickness, fears, heartackes, spouse abuse, what ever the storm, if you will be willing to wait on him in your pain, he will come and remove it.  If you turn to the arm of flesh (human remedies) they can only deaden the pain, lonelyness, hurt,  they make you forget it for a while, but if, you remain faithful and wait 

on Jesus he will wipe it away totally.  It will be as though it never happen.  He is worth waiting for,  he is not happy to see you in these storms, (remember whipping your kids it hurts you more than it does them but, it is for their on good) he only allows you to suffer for a while to teach, train, and mold you in his service.  Learning you that you can totally depend on him.  And when you have passed all the tests like 

when men are in boot camp to toughen them up.  Then they can help others make it to the promise land.  He is making & molding you to become a leader in his army.  Your storms will not end when you grow up in Christ.  You will just remain calm, peaceful, joyful, praising him in the mist of storms and persecutions knowing that he is faithful and will work everything out.  You have learned to praise him before, after & 

in the storms.  You remain faithful, not afraid no matter how severe the storms.  YOU REST IN HIM.  
Psalms 81:13.  Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!  14.  I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.  16.  He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat; and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied 

Deranged spirits

Deranged spirits

WE HAVE SO MANY WONDERFUL PEOPLE, that are innocent and don't understand what is happening to them. Our people I love, I weep and cry for them, I cry, I cry, I cry, I love, I love, I love, them, I can't say that enough.

The young people in this age, are facing so many things, that are mind boggling, to much for their minds to handle. They are being introduced, to so many spirits through media, that it is over powering their minds and bodies. If you don't have the protection of the Holy Ghost to shield you from these spirits from hell, they will over power you and drive you to do things that you would never do. There is so many lust spirits on media, television, on the streets, every where you turn. These lust spirits, from Hollywood, is

driving our young people to strip their clothes off and go naked, losing control of their selves. They are driving them to kill their parents, take drugs, everything you can think of, due to being driven by these deranged spirits let loose upon the earth. These spirits are driving the old as well. They are taking over the men in high positions, government positions, due to taking God out of everything. When a nation

forgets God, it is turned into hell on earth, God is not there to protect our nation or people, therefore, deranged spirits are being let loose upon the nations. If you are not protected from these spirits, they will come off on you. Most people don't have a defense against them, to protect them and keep these spirits off them. Like a spray that you spray on your skin to keep, bugs from bitting you, when you are out in the

tent meetings, hunting, etc. Eventually these spirits will drive you to deeper demonic acts, like instead of hatred, fighting, it will eventually lead into murder, shooting people, going over the edge. Don't blame poor innocent people, they are victums of these demonic spirits that are taking over the earth. When someone calls you on the phone and you were feeling fine, until they called, what happened? If they

were angry, that spirit come off on you and it will drive you to anger, even to the point of balling someone out, that never even done nothing to you, it is a spirit driving you, it over powered you. You watch a movie of someone cutting their hair and they make it so wondeful and after it goes off, that spirit gets off on you and you go cut your hair. You think this is crasy, take notice next time you turn your computer on, was

you discouraged before, you turned on your fb page, or after you got on it you noticed, you began to get very discouraged, those spirits overpowered you. You best be prayed up or leave it off. But what about those who don't have the Holy Ghost wall to protect them, they are a target to every unclean thing that satan can vomit up. Those who are filled with the Holy Ghost, can pray for others that are bound by these

spirits, they have come off on them, like in the Bible, when those evil spirits said, Paul we know and Jesus we know, but who are you? You can pray for them, to keep these spirits from driving them on in to demonic possession. You say, I pray and they go right back and do the same things again. Yes, thats true, but remember, if you hadn't of prayed for them, they would have been driven into deeper, demonic

possession. These spirits will continually, get on them by over powering them, and drive them to strip their clothes, be sexey, drugs, etc. but as long as we pray, it will keep them from going into a place, where satan will totally destroy them. It is frightening and scary, what our young and old alike is facing. And it is so sad, that they don't understand or know what is driving them. It is coming into the churches,

every where, every where that, the Spirit of the living Holy God don't dwell. Pray saints, pray, pray, pray for our people. Our people I love, I weep and cry for them, I cry, I cry, I cry, I love, I love, I love, them, I can't say that enough. The world is full of Doctors, Lawyers, men in Government, President, Military Force, Policemen, Firemen, Funeral Homes, our Truck Drivers, Secretarys, Hospitals, all kinds of jobs

and positions, UPS Workers, Post Offices, Collection Agencys, to many to name that make our world function, all kind loving caring people that love each other, help each other, help those in need, they know how to give good gifts to their children that ask them. They work hard, fine outstanding people. How much more should we Christians, be doing, for those beautiful people that has no idea of whats going on.

Pray Saints for our world and all the beautiful people that are in it, it is not the people, it is deranged spirits let loose, over powered them, and driving all those who do not know, and are protected by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Spiritual abuse in the churches


Prov. 18:19.  A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city; and their contentions are like the bars of a castle..
I have been there, battered in the churches and also in a marriage, which was very abusive, mentally & physically.   Read or listen to my testimony & read some of my messages you will see how the church people left me wounded and bewildered, I don't tell the half of it.  Some even trying to mold me into a spiritual whore (fleshly worship).  My messages is to help others that is and has been battered in the churches by devils & deceiving spirits and how to detect them.  All my mistakes I pray will be a stepping stone for you to get closer to God.  I have certainly been chosen out of the furnace of affliction and fires.

For, I believe, it has been all for the making of me and others, so we can & will be willing to die out to our will and allow God to cry loud and spare not against the false doctrines, deceivers, blind leaders.
2 kings 7:3..And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate; and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?  2.  If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, an we shall die there;  and if we sit here, we die also.  Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians:  if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die. 
When you realize what the devil has done, (including myself), and has stolen and took from you.  When you get sick and tired of the devil defeating you and making you miserable.  He has drove you to your wits end and you feel like you are going over the edge (I been there).  You have got to rise up like the leprous men did.  Because if you don't you are going to end up in the nut house (I was headed there).  I will warn you of what is going to happen when you make up your mind to seek God, live, die, sink or swim.  Don't forget if you don't make up your mind to fight, the devil is going to take you down anyway honey, he's not coming to play checkers.  It's either taking a chance of dying in the war,  to get your house back or die at the hand of the enemy either way, like the leprous.   For the enemy will kill you with diseases, mental disorder, suicide, drugs, how ever he can kill you. 

At least you have a chance by seeking God, for God will help, hear your cry and fight for you. Don't think you are going to ware the heavy weight belt the first few times you pray either. The heavy weight belt means having power over all devils.  For you are on a long journey back home, you will earn your belt, by the battles you fight & by keeping the faith.  You will have to come out of Egypt bondage again (getting free from the bondage & slavery of sin). When you start dedicating yourself in prayer, fasting, reading, obeying.  The devil will challenge you, you may as well get ready for many battles. 

Sorry I know you don't want to fight, but this goes with it, you've got to be willing to fight.  He is going to use people to hurt, abuse, anything he can do to get them to cause you to draw back, which means,  to get you to stop praying, cause this is where you fight on your knees.  Satan uses the people close to you, for they can hurt you the most.  Psalm 55:12.  For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it; neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him.  13.  But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.  14.  We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.
Remember Jesus betrayed by a kiss, one that ate with him.  We all will face the same things.  You must keep love as Jesus did, no matter what men do to you.  To be able to keep love, peace, faith, fruits of Spirit.  We must pray every time the enemy throws us a punch.  The only time you hurt is from the punch to the prayer closet, cause when you give it to God he removes it and puts his peace, love & a smile back on your face.  The way you know that you have prayed through and got the victory, is when you can come back into the room where the person that done you dirty is, and you can smile and love them as though they have not done a thing.  Until you can do that you have not gotten the victory through Jesus.  Not put on or trying to love

them, but it is actually gone.  Trying to love them is (Harlot religion), doing it in your flesh, it's not real, it's still there.  When the Lord removes it, then it is gone, flesh didn't have nothing to do with it.  This happens when you humble yourself and pray, willing to allow God to remove it from your heart.  Thats the hard part, to be willing to humble yourself and turn the other cheek, by going and praying instead of fighting back.  For God is love & we must keep our first love to make it.

If you want your house back you must be willing to fight, press, push against all odds to pray & die daily.  Most Christians think if they are faithful to a church building, then they are faithful to God & on their way to heaven.  It's not being faithful to a dead building honey, but to God. A relationship with him, by dying daily, keeping that flesh dead.  I Cor.10:3  And though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. When you run into so called Christians in town, they have long hair, long dress, and a long sad face, or in pants which ever way they dress and they look defeated and have a peacock attitude, WHY?  Because they are in misery, they are defeated Christians trying to live it their selves. 

They have not been praying and allowing God to crucify their miserable flesh.  So therefore, they try to live right.  Which is impossible, they look like they could kill you when they pass by you, they hate seeing a smile on your face.  Because they are so miserable...Religious dead men.  They are in bondage to their flesh, because they refuse to pray through.  Rom. 6:16.  Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey.

Meaning if you yield to the flesh will and allowing it to stop you from praying through, then you have come in bondage to your flesh.  Which is the Adam (sinful) nature, you are then backslide.  They are neither cold nor hot and God will spue them out of his mouth (Rev.3:15,16).  But remember Rev.2:4  Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.  5.  Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove they candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.  Good news if you stay in the war and fight it want last forever, you will reach Canaan land a place where there is milk and honey.  You

will have power over all devils, your battle in the flesh will end and you will be fighting for others.  You have learned to not get lazy in prayer and your flesh and other things can not stop you at all.  You pray no matter what and delight in praying, because you have found the gold mine.  Instead of praying to get out of hell, you are praying for more of God.  Which is relationship with Jesus keeping your first love above all then loving your neighbor as your self.  You are willing to die in the battle for his sheep, laying down your life, taking up the cross and following Jesus.  Which means

keeping your flesh crucified by yielding to the Holy Ghost daily.  You are now a one hundred percent believer with signs following your ministry, Satan has been defeated, he can't touch you.  You have made it across the finish line and now you must take the anointing that you have obtained and give it to the little sheep that is also, trying to make it across the finish line.  For the devil is laying many traps for them, to keep them from making it to Canaan, where signs will follow them.  You must help them make it, doing what ever God anoints you to do..Because if, it had not been for the mature Christians, with signs following them, helping you! "YOU WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE IT EITHER, FOR WE CANNOT MAKE IT ALONE".


The churches most of them has a FORM OF GODLINESS but denying the power (No Holy Ghost) dead, no deliverance for the lost and bound (cause they are bound themselves, they have went back into Egypt, old Adam nature) but still trying to serve God in their misery.  The more vile and evil and deranged the people get from spirits coming from Hollywood, is the more word and spirit we will have to get to be able to stand in this evil dangerous times, to proclaim God's truth to deliver the lost and sick. So goes the world, so goes the church, the churches are full of men and women in the pulpits and pews that are bound by spirits from Hollywood, the world, they are bound and cannot get free, WHY? Cause the light has gone out in the churches,

thats why anything goes.   No real Word and Spirit, to convict them of their sins.  The closer you get to the real FIRE NOT ARTIFICIAL fire, it will burn and convict you of your sins.  They have eyes that cannot see, darkness, spirits of err has blinded them.  Once that real light pierces through that darkness, they will begin to see and start crying out to God.  THE LIGHT IS THE ONLY WAY OUT.  So when you cry loud and spare not (preaching word), THAT IS LOVE, for the the truth is the only thing that will unlock that prison door, that they are locked behind.  Remember Jesus gave Peter the keys. 

AND UPON THIS ROCK I'll build my church and THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT prevail against it (overcome, destroy it).
ACTS 4:  THEY SPOKE THE WORD with boldness, they were not afraid of the enemy.  We will have to get the same boldness in these last days.  It's not boldness to declare, your man made doctrines, but TO DECLARE THE TRUTH as the Spirit of God puts the words in your mouth.  It's his boldness not our boldness in the human realm.  How do we get that boldness?  How did they get that boldness?  Acts 4:31  And when they HAD PRAYED the place was shaken where, They were assembled TOGETHER; And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.  33. 

And what DID THEY DO AFTER PRAYING?  Shout over their denominations, Noooooooooooooo,  then what?  And With great POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all.  They preached the word and healed the sick.  In the old testament they were killed, they were always out numbered by the false prophets.  The men that were alone with God and received his words were despised and hated, same today.  They want to hear someone lie to them and tickle their ears.  They burned them at the stake, cut their tongues out, today they kill you by WHISPERING.  They will lie on you, cut you down, spread that gossip poison, the tongue can no

man tame, which is full of deadly poison.
James 3:7...  For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind;  BUT THE TONGUE can NO MAN tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  ONLY THE HOLY GHOST can tame that tongue.  You don't have to try, the Holy Ghost does the taming, when we pray.  You don't have to try to, it takes the desire away, to speak evil, lie, and talk about someone.
Luke 10:17  And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, EVEN THE DEVILS ARE SUBJECT unto us through thy name.
18..And he said unto them, I BEHELD SATAN AS LIGHTNING FALL from heaven.
19..Behold, I give unto unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy;  and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

20..Notwithstanding in THIS REJOICE NOT, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your NAMES ARE WRITTEN in heaven.
FREE FROM BONDAGE and our names written in heaven.  Does anyone rejoice over this, they do if they are anchored on that SOLID ROCK.
Most, Instead of proclaiming this, they try to get people's focus on them, how great they are or how great their ministry is.  We do not follow signs and gifts, WE FOLLOW CHARITY.  Anyone that is of God is full of charity and their flesh crucified.  Jesus was trying to get them to see that this was the spirit of Satan, which loves power, thats what got him kicked out of heaven.  That spirit is in all of us before we are born again, if you will notice everyone loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's power, authority, noticed, making their selves something bigggggggggggggggg.  That is the spirit that wants you out of the pulpits they are jealeoussssssssssssssssssss, they want all the glory, power and authority.  Third John verse 9..I wrote unto the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. 

10...Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth prating against us with malicious words; and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would and casteth them out of the church.
Gal. 2:20, I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
THEY LIED ON JESUS, AND THE DECIPLES, why?  To keep others from excepting the truth, the only thing THAT WILL SET US FREE.  He must do anything and everything to stop us.  For Satan knows he has but a short time to work.  And he wants to find all the people that WILL WHISPER, with

their tongues, to keep that light from setting all the people free that he's got bound, (by planting a seed of doubt in their minds, lying on them, to block the truth, causing them to doubt)..  Because faith in God, and confidence in the person thats preaching, is the only way you can receive the word, that will set you free.  Doubt blocks the word from shinning into darkness, and unlocking that door, that you are bound behind.  This is the purpose of the Harlot church to block that light. 
Ps. 119:105..Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

He will use any body in the church to keep you quiet, talk about you, hurt you, WHISPERS, not wanting you to play music, cause they want the glory and praise from men, when you have a honest heart and want to do something for God.  You are actually in the wrong church, cause if you had a God fearing man full of the word and spirit, he would discern these spirits, but if you will notice he is for the one that is hurting you, so therefore, he is of the devil, which is err, the wrong spirit in him (he may not even know it, he may be blinded by that spirit).  You need to runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn get out of there, and find you a man of God that is full of CHARITY and has no respect of person which is sinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.  A real man of God don't make a difference, he will clean up his pulpits by getting rid of all these spirits, so that God can

move and deliver the people,  and those that has a pure in heart, can work for God and use their talents.
Proverbs 16:28.. A forward man soweth strife;  and a WHISPER separateth chief friends.
2 Cor.12:20...lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, WHISPERINGS, swellings, tumults;
Romans 1:29... Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, WHISPERS. 

Upon this rock I'll build my church

Upon this rock I’ll build my church

THOUGHTS UPON MY BED..Lord if  everyone stumbles, falls and makes mistakes, sin's a little each day,  then who are we to follow, this to me would be discouraging and  discouraging for all others who hear this. The Lord, spoke to me and  said..
"UPON THIS ROCK I'LL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of hell shall (CANNOT) prevail against it."
  Meaning, sealed, no stumbling, falling, getting back up and trying  again, no mistakes, sins, failures, but SEALED BY THE HOLY GHOST, when  they reach maturity. Full grown, SON'S OF GOD. Ready for the master's  use. So when you see someone stumble and fall, know that he has not made  it to maturity. Gal. 5..if they have been preaching for years overseas,  all over the world, if they have not been sealed, totally surrendered  their flesh will to God, fully grown, they can falter, make mistakes,  sins of flesh. Remember, in Matt. 7:22...Many will say to me in that day  Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have  cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then  will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU; depart from me, ye that work  iniquity.

Some say they just thought they cast out devils, no the "KJV  BIBLE SAYS" they did, remember the disciples, that cast out devils,  healed the sick, etc., before they were filled with the Holy Ghost,  Peter also cursed and denied Christ. But after he was filled with, both  the Word & Holy Ghost, he died for the Word. In 1 Cor. 13: where it  talks about having faith to remove mountains, we can do all these  things, and still rebel like the children of Israel on their journey  through the wilderness, and us not willing to give up something in our  flesh, may be just a small thing, YET WE MUST LET IT GO, for it will  keep us from crossing on over, only Caleb and Joshua crossed over,  because they OBEYED GOD FULLY...most of the ministers want obey God a  lot of times due to their mates. We must forsake all and follow him, not  hating them but obeying God and not allowing them to hinder us from  obeying...they will either come in or leave, yet many are not willing to  let them go. So there for, they that look back are not fit for the  Kingdom of God. Remember Lot's wife, who turned into a pillow of salt,  meaning looking back will cause your salt to become hard, good for  nothing, losing your anointing that is salted with fire of the Holy  Ghost, salt that's lost its savor is good for nothing.
God will not be  second in our lives...Remember the pruning process is to get all the  spots, wrinkles, leaven, which is flesh attributes, which is iniquity,  sin, out of you which is, being pruned by the word of God...Remember to  become one with him we must reach maturity, sealed nothing can get in  and nothing can get out, you are sealed, married, become one, with  Christ, Remember when Adam knew his wife Eve they become one. He has to  purify his Bride, before He will marry her, and put his name (word& Spirit) in her,  which seals her. Remember the book of Esther, when she had to be  purified with perfumes and all kinds of things, before she could marry  the King, type and shadow of us marrying Christ. Then while we are  immature we will make mistakes, stumble and fall and get back up, God's  helping us to make it to that place where he can seal us. Where nothing  can get in and nothing can get out.
For he is going to have a church,  without spot and without wrinkle. A bride that has made her self ready,  Rom. 6: by yielding to the Holy Ghost. For upon this rock, I'll build my  church. If you are built upon that rock, nothing can blow you over.  Matt. 7:..Don't touch God's anointed vessels that falter, cause he is  able to cause them to stand or fall, they are growing, being pruned,  being processed, no matter what age they are in the natural, and how  long they have been saved and working in the harvest fields. Do not  blaspheme the Holy Ghost, do not touch them, with your tongue. For all  sins can be forgiven but blaspheme. You best know who you are calling a  devil, for you are touching God's Holy Ghost inside someone. Touch not  the ark, 2 Sam. 6: like Uzzah, when his  UN-SANCTIFIED FLESH touched the  ark, he was not sanctified, therefore he could not touch it, 1 Sam.  7:1..his brother Eleazar was the one that had been sanctified to keep  the ark, we carry the ark now inside us, his word.. He that thinketh he  standeth take heed lest he fall...and it is a fearful thing to fall into  the hands of a living GOD.
I belong to God when I first got saved at  the age of 14. I have belonged to God every since, he has never left or  forsaken me, yet always with a tender hand tried to reach out for me,  when I would get off the path, due to not having a sealed leader that  was ready for the master's use. Untemptered mortar being mixed in the  walls of my house, after the foundation had been laid, (new birth). I  excepted Christ, was baptized and became a good christian, but the  churches I attended, started putting untempter mortar on the sides and  roof of my house and when temptations, trails, storms of life came hard  against my house it would fall.
EVERYONE IS HUMAN and can make  mistakes and fall...this is what you hear all time. Yet most don't  understand, that there is a path we must travel from childhood to man  hood. Remember the possess of a child and how it grows in the womb, then  birth and began on milk until it can eat solid food, then it keeps  growing until it can eat and discern which foods are good and which are  not good for our bodies on it's own (Heb 5:14). Another example, the  little green apple, that has to grow, be pruned, sprayed for bugs,  keeping it from getting rotten spots, and some still become infected,  rot and fall off the tree. If that apple makes it to full growth, it is  picked, canned and sealed. Nothing then can get in and nothing can get  out.
No mistakes, sins or failures any more for it is purified and  sealed, ready for the masters use. Like mother, when she canned fruit,  and we would hear the lip pop, she knew it was sealed, if it didn't seal  it would ruin..The fruits was canned, preserved, and ready to be eaten,  when ever we were hungry, in the cold winters to come. Remembering Mark  4:31, the mustard seed faith that grows and becomes, the greatest  herbs, and the fouls of the air can lodge in it's limbs and rest under  the shade of the tree. Thinking of how the Christians can rest and get  relief from all their burdens, cares, heartaches, frustrations of life,  while resting under the anointing that the Sons of God have. Remember  Jesus spoke in (PARABLES), which is a hidden truth hidden from the human  intellect, you must hear it by revelation before you can understand.  This is the reason for all the churches, remember the, SIX BLIND MEN AND  THE ELEPHANT, they all describe it different....
Once the children  of Israel that was allowed to cross over Jordon, they ate of the fruit  of the land, it was so large, they had all they needed to sustain them,  eating from their own fruit, drinking from their own wells, God not  having to feed them manna from heaven any more. He that hast ears to  hear let him hear.
The enemy places traps out in from of us as we  journey on that straight and narrow road, trying to deceive, lure, flesh  desires, doing everything to get us to become slowful in our praying,  filling our lives with all kinds of things. And if by his wiles, (lies)  he deceives us and gets us to listen, like he did Eve in the garden.  Which remember is just believing God or Satan. You then stumble and fall  in the dark, for Satan's lies, will blind you and you will be walking  in darkness and will reap the consequences, as Eve did. This process is  over and over in a growing Christians life, until they reach the place  of adult hood, so when you fall down, get back up don't lay there, for  Satan will kick your teeth in, he's not playing games, he's out to kill.
Gal. 5: until they become the sons of God, Sealed and ready for the  master's use. Always remember it takes faith to believe even Satan's  lies, for when you believe, and act on that lie, that is faith in that  lie, which you also put works with it and do it. And faith in Satan  (lies) will get you killed, faith in God will give you life.
WHAT HAPPEN WHEN THE ARK WAS BROUGHT INTO THE TEMPLE AND PLACED BESIDE  OF Dagon the god of the Philistines? Once sealed, there is no devil can  stand before you, cause you are inside the Kingdom of God, he has to  first bind the strong man, before he can get to you. Would you want a  leader that had flaws, weakness, mistakes, in them to lead you in a  natural war, and you taking orders from them. They would run or go AOL  in the heat of the battle. But God when HE MOLDS THEM they will not run,  they have been trained, molded, flesh will gone, surrendered totally,  obeying fully, will not run but will stand the test of time. For the  gates of hell shall not be able to cause them to fall or run. But they  have died already (surrendered will) for the gospel. For once you have  given up your will totally, you are dead, hid with Christ in God.
Nothing can get to you for you are hid. And nothing can get out for you  are sealed. If not then God would never win the battle, his soldiers  would be just a bunch of cowards, unstable, unable to stand and fight.  God is going to have an army that can stand. FOR THERE IS GOING TO BE A  NUMBER THAT NO MAN CAN NUMBER.
Revelations 7:9..After this I beheld,  and lo, a great multitude, which no man could nÅ«mber, of all nations,  and kindred, and people, & tongues, stood before the throne, &  before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palm's in their hands: