Thursday, October 11, 2018

Battles and storms

Christians are like fruit trees they are exposed to the rain, the snow, hail, wind, dust, blizzard conditions, but they endure all this if, their roots are planted deep in the ground (Jesus).   The trees don't have to struggle, thirst, hunger for nutrition, for they are keep by the roots (Jesus).  The winds can't blow them over, the snow can weight them down so much as to where their limbs will break.  Soon as the sun 

shines the tree will straighten back up.  The hail storms can't beat off their fruit they continue to bear fruit, etc.  Storms in our lives can be different things like flustration, lonelyness, sepration of spouse, death, sickness, mental abuse, betrayal, depression, anything that causes you heartacke & pain.  Many baby christians will fear when, these things come their way. They will began to ponder in their minds, 

wondering if they have done something wrong or they will become fearful afraid that the enemy will defeat or over come them.  How do I know, I have been through all this on my journey to Canaan land, where the milk and honey flows.  Where the fruit is big and no storm frightens or upsets you, you have learned that your God will not fail you but, will keep and take you through each storm of your life if, you 

only believe, trust and remain faithful to him.  If you become fearful in the mist of storms, stand still keep praying, God sometimes will not move the storm but he will allow it, too continue to beat against your vessel, he will lead and guide you through it.  You begin to see his skillful hands at work, his power being manifested in your life, against these dreadful storms.  He could not show you his power & glory if you 

were on the mountain top all time.  You may think you can't endure the pain, stress, lonelyness, depression, etc.  that it is to great and you will die in the mist of it all.  But how could God show you his power if you never went through or felt nothing.  You would never know or experience his greatness.  Man when I am so lonely one minute I think I am going to die and can't endure it no longer and all of a 

sudden, God moves & wipes it away.  It blows your mind you can't comprehend his awesome power, to be able to get rid of everything that is bothering you.  The key is no matter how fearful, afraid, worried, you become, IF YOU REMAIN FAITHFUL, he will come to your rescue, no matter how shook up you become.  When you become mature in Christ, your storms and battles will not shake you or cause you to 

worry or fret, because you have been through, so many battles and have seen God's hand at work so many times.   You have learned  and watched him take you through each trail and seen his awesome power at work.  It's all Gods great big skillful hands molding and making you in the mist of the storms.  He allows all these things to happen to us to show us how weak and frail we are without him and how 

powerful, strong and mighty he is.  We go through so many storms as we grow up in him.  But when we become of full age, we have learned to wait patiently and trust in him.  By him allowing us to go through so much, we have learned he will never fail us.  We relax and keep working & moving in him.  But when you were a baby you would fret, worry and wonder if the enemy was going to defeat you or that God 

didn't care.  You may have thought, God where are you don't you care that I am suffering and going through hell.  But it's all to mold and make you strong, and know that you can depend on him, for he will never fail you.  But there is something we must do, for him to move for us,  that is remain faithful.  By that I mean not jumping ship, remain dedicated through it all, if you become slowful, (stop praying, obeying, 

reading and fasting) you tie God's hands he cannot & will not move for you.  You must continue to pray, read, fast and obey God through all your storms never backing up or stopping, no matter how bad the storms get.  That is the key.   Remember God didn't move for Daniel till, he was in the lions den, (he was faithful he didn't get scared & run, or call 911) not before or after but when he was in the mist of the 

storm.  He wants to show his great power, not only to you but for those who are close to you and watching, why so they will serve him and know that there is no god besides him.  He couldn't show his power until Daniel was all the way in the den.  Will you let him show you & others what he can do.  Stop thinking "what did I do wrong" when storms or bad things happen to you.  They are to show his power 

and mold you.   Oh what he would do for his people if they would only learn to wait.  What ever the sickness, fears, heartackes, spouse abuse, what ever the storm, if you will be willing to wait on him in your pain, he will come and remove it.  If you turn to the arm of flesh (human remedies) they can only deaden the pain, lonelyness, hurt,  they make you forget it for a while, but if, you remain faithful and wait 

on Jesus he will wipe it away totally.  It will be as though it never happen.  He is worth waiting for,  he is not happy to see you in these storms, (remember whipping your kids it hurts you more than it does them but, it is for their on good) he only allows you to suffer for a while to teach, train, and mold you in his service.  Learning you that you can totally depend on him.  And when you have passed all the tests like 

when men are in boot camp to toughen them up.  Then they can help others make it to the promise land.  He is making & molding you to become a leader in his army.  Your storms will not end when you grow up in Christ.  You will just remain calm, peaceful, joyful, praising him in the mist of storms and persecutions knowing that he is faithful and will work everything out.  You have learned to praise him before, after & 

in the storms.  You remain faithful, not afraid no matter how severe the storms.  YOU REST IN HIM.  
Psalms 81:13.  Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!  14.  I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.  16.  He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat; and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied 

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