..........."WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD " no fantasy just truth.
Before you can change or be willing to change you first have to see yourself the way you really are.
The word of God is like putting a mirror in front of you & letting you see yourself the way you really are
& what you need. And sometimes this makes people extremely mad...
The false church, hides that mirror so you can't see yourself the way you really are and what you so desperately need.
Making you feel real good, for a little while, & convincing you that, you don't need anything..but eventually your hidden miseries re-surface.
And some thinks that you are judging when you speak truth, the pure word of God..
WAS STEPHEN JUDGING harshly when he said;
Acts 7:51.. Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
Acts 7:51.. Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.
They were so mad they wanted to kill him. God wants you to see what you need so he can remove it for good and replace it with
something better..but he can't give you better if you are constantly getting mad over what you need & the truth about yourself..
No where in the word of God does he sugar coat something to make the flesh feel good. Only the false church does this which is full of lies & flattery...
...One example: (those who want except truth)......but want their ears tickled..
...One example: (those who want except truth)......but want their ears tickled..
Carnal example...When you ask someone that already
knows how old you are, you ask them do I look 50? The answer you want to hear is, "Oh no! you look so young for your age" you
don't look a day over 40. Which is lies and flattery. Here is why people hate TRUTH....... the truth is you look 50 maybe even older. That would make you so mad you could explode..
You are wanting someone to lie to you, cause when you looked in the mirror this morning, your first thought was, I am getting old and then you start looking for wrinkles...and
when someone tells you a lie, that puts you on a false high for awhile (like the false church), until you get home and take another look in the
mirror, especially in the mornings, before you paint your false face. You are wanting something that isn't real (fancy), something that don't exist, you don't want to deal with the real
issues and facts of life. Some will even turn to drugs before, they will face up to the cold hard facts of life, things that has happen to them through out their lives. The facts of
life is that Satan from the time you were born has tried to kill you, me and everyone else, that is born and conceived in
iniquity, he will do anything and everything to keep you from finding your place and calling in God, it's no body's fault stop blaming every body else, it's the devil. He was the demonic force in that person hurting you..Pity will keep you in bondage to that state of
mind & spirit, truth is the only thing that will set you free. You may say God understands why I'm in misery & how mistreated
I've been, so forth. Yes he does & the truth is that God has made a way of escape for all of us, we have all had some kind of
misery & hell every since we were born, Satan trying to kill us, That's why Jesus DIED ON THE CROSS, he really died and the purpose of Pentecost, sending back the
Holy Ghost that will COMFORT US and replace all that misery, depression, sadness, loneliness, abuse, mistreated, betrayals, etc., WITH PEACE
AND JOY, HE DIED FOR THIS, to give you a life filled with happiness, but if you don't take his way of escape, surrendering your life to him, you will grow old and die in your miseries.
God is a deliverer, a deliverer from what? From all the hell, torments, pressures, mental abuse, mental anguish, drug addictions, perverted sex, false
hope. ANOTHER EXAMPLE.....A Marriage that some of us want is a fairy tale, with no issues. We don't want to deal with no issues, we only want fantasy, fairy tales, white horses, hero's... The fact is when he or she comes home from a hard
days work, they may not feel like being prince charming, they are tired, hungry, been through hell all day being harassed by others, they
need love, understanding, and kindness from you, not you setting somewhere pouting, cause they want baby
and pamper you the rest of the night..
If you married a whore monger, then let them go with whoever their roaming eyes are lusting after,
If you married a whore monger, then let them go with whoever their roaming eyes are lusting after,
for if they are unfaithful to you, they will always be unfaithful, get real stand up and face it...Don't be so weak you can't live
without them..they were only a fantasy to start with, they were not what you had them fantasized to be, daydreaming of something that you wanted and needed but didn't really exist in that person...ignoring &
over looking all the warning signs. They were full of flattery and lies. Still you refuse to except reality, you can't be fooled if you will stop fantasizing.
UNTIL YOUR CHANGE COMES in God; Stand up be a man or woman deal with one thing at a time and face reality, don't turn to drugs or alcohol or a false
fantasized marriage, or backbiting two faced friends, you can do it, it's only when you give in to these demonic voices and don't resist or fight them, they will close in to kill....THIS IS THE
REAL WORLD..you are special, loved, God wants you to be all you can be in him, for one day soon, we will rule and reign in the new heaven and new earth, and all this will be behind us. Where the one we love and confident will forever
be there with us, never never to be left alone or hurt any more. This is worth fighting for. This will not be fantasy but it will be real. The one true love of our life, Jesus Christ...I long & look forward for that day.